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Tiêu đề: Emerging Asia Economics monthly - May 2009
Loại báo cáo: Thị trường thế giới
Nguồn: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited
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Ngày: 04/05/2009 Số trang: 32 Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh Dạng tệp: Kích thước: 700 Kb
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Tóm tắt:
The worst is likely behind emerging Asia, but the pace of activity continues to decline across most of the region, albeit at a slower ran in late 2008. Asian rates will remain vulnerable to swings in risk appetite. Scope for more rate cuts, worries about supply, and signs of improvement in global demand should altogether maintain the bias for steeper curves generally.
Tin mới
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01/08/2009 Retail Asia July 2009
Tin trước
30/04/2009 East Asia: Testing Times Ahead
21/04/2009 Suy thoái kinh tế toàn cầu 2009
18/11/2008 2009 Outlook for Asia
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