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Tiêu đề: Will Asia bounce?
Loại báo cáo: Thị trường thế giới
Nguồn: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd.
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Ngày: 06/04/2009 Số trang: 72 Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh Dạng tệp: Kích thước: 1,642 Kb
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To say that the Asian economies are weak would be something of an understatement. On some measures, the downturn is already as bad as the 1998 crisis, while 1Q09 GDP is unlikely to provide much respite. All is not lost, however: the various stimulus measures, commodity price collapse, historical experience, longer lead indicators, and China’s pick-up all offer grounds for hope. The prospect of rapidly rising unemployment and the return of deflation are the largest domestic risks to a strong second-half recovery, but they should not be overplayed at this stage
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