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Tiêu đề: Equity Insight: Ding dong the Vix is dead?
Loại báo cáo: Thị trường thế giới
Nguồn: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd.
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Ngày: 15/04/2009 Số trang: 29 Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh Dạng tệp: Kích thước: 529 Kb
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Tóm tắt:
Implied S&P volatility (the Vix) may be breaking below 40%, the technical hurdle that HSBC noted last week. It has averaged a daunting 50% since Lehman’s collapse. Earnings have yet to trough, and there is surely more financial debris still to surface. But what HSBC has labelled the “volatility bubble” may be about to deflate at last, under the combined influence of
(1) some visible moderation in objective risk; and
(2) the massive scale of portfolio insurance implicitly being written by the US authorities
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