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Tiêu đề: Equity Insight: V-Shaped recovery?
Loại báo cáo: Thị trường thế giới
Nguồn: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd.
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Ngày: 02/06/2009 Số trang: 28 Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh Dạng tệp: Kích thước: 453 Kb
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Tóm tắt:
Very few commentators appear to be giving serious consideration to the likelihood of a ‘V’-shaped global economic recovery (which may make you wonder where the balance of risk lies from here). The most popular representative letters still appear to be ‘W’, ‘U’ and ‘L’. But, if the profile of analysts’ earnings revisions is any guide, the possibility of a decent rebound in economic growth and corporate earnings should not be ruled out.
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